Arushi Sharma recently married casting director Vaibhav Vishant after a two-year courtship. Sharing glimpses of their picturesque wedding in Chail, Himachal Pradesh, on Instagram, they revealed the intimate affair.

In their joint interview with News18 Showsha, Vaibhav reminisces about proposing to Arushi, recounting her initial hesitance to discuss marriage. Despite her attempts to avoid the topic, he believed their union was destined.

Arushi reflects on her reluctance to engage in marriage discussions, preferring to live in the present. However, Vaibhav’s persistence and confidence in their relationship ultimately led them to tie the knot unexpectedly.

Vaibhav envisions their love story as a screenplay, describing their journey from friendship to love as a whirlwind of emotions. He credits their enduring bond to mutual trust and gradual development of feelings.

The couple acknowledges the unwavering support of their parents, who embraced their relationship from the start. Arushi expresses gratitude for her mother’s role in facilitating their union, while Vaibhav reflects on his acceptance into her family.

Adjusting to married life, they savor each moment, relishing the unique experience. Arushi describes the post-wedding period as special and fleeting, emphasizing their enjoyment of the present.

As for honeymoon plans, they humorously admit to still deliberating, seeking suggestions for their getaway. Vaibhav playfully responds, indicating the need for time to plan their romantic excursion.

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