Actor Aayush Sharma, known for his role in “Ruslaan,” and Arpita Khan Sharma, sister of Salman Khan, have been married for nearly ten years. Throughout their journey, they have faced various challenges, including rumors of divorce amid Aayush’s entry into Bollywood.

In 2019, they were surprised by rumors suggesting their divorce. Aayush recalled an incident when paparazzi questioned him about the supposed divorce while he was out with his son. Despite the shock, they found humor in the situation and laughed it off together.

Arpita has consistently supported Aayush through his career, offering both encouragement and constructive criticism. She has a different taste in films compared to his mass-oriented ones, preferring emotionally driven stories based on true events.

Aayush appreciates Arpita’s honesty and willingness to provide feedback on his work, even suggesting edits to certain scenes or wardrobe choices in his films. He values her opinions as she watches his films objectively, like any other audience member.

Their love story began in 2011, and after Aayush expressed his feelings, Arpita took her time before reciprocating. They tied the knot in November 2014 and are now parents to Ahil and Ayat, with their tenth wedding anniversary approaching.

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