Huma Qureshi has wrapped up filming for Gulabi, a movie celebrating women’s resilience, announced on International Women’s Day. The film, a collaboration between Jio Studios and Echelon Productions, is directed by Vipul Mehta and produced by Jyoti Deshpande and Vishal Rana. Inspired by a true story, Gulabi follows the journey of an auto-rickshaw driver who empowers women to take control of their lives.

Shot in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Gulabi concluded with a significant crowd scene, featuring 300 villagers. Despite the large number, the shoot went smoothly, with Huma Qureshi and the extras delivering an electrifying performance.

Expressing her connection to the film’s message, Qureshi described working on Gulabi as a joy. She emphasized the narrative’s powerful resonance and its ability to touch hearts.

Gulabi is set to be Qureshi’s next release, with her currently shooting for Jolly LLB 3.

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