Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, recently embroiled in a legal battle against her deepfake pornographic images, has issued a legal warning to Jack Sweeney, a college student known for tracking celebrity flights and previously clashing with Elon Musk.

Musk had previously banned Sweeney from Twitter (now known as X), accusing him of posting “assassination coordinates.” Swift’s attorney has now sent a cease-and-desist letter to Sweeney, a junior at the University of Central Florida, citing his social media activities as causing “direct and irreparable harm” along with emotional and physical distress.

Unless Sweeney ceases his “stalking and harassing behavior,” Swift’s legal team threatens to pursue all available legal avenues. Sweeney, however, maintains that he harbors no ill intentions, expressing admiration for Swift’s music and emphasizing his commitment to transparency and public access to information.

Sweeney’s social media accounts primarily share publicly available data from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and signals from private jets, including estimates of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the flights.

Despite previous bans, Sweeney has reappeared on X with an account that provides data on Musk’s private jet with a 24-hour delay. He has also shifted his activities to Instagram Threads following his ban from Musk’s platform, and manages multiple accounts across various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky, among others.

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