Sobhita Dhulipala’s pre-wedding festivities are in full swing, with the latest pictures from her Mangala Snaanam ceremony capturing the essence of the celebrations beautifully. Her sister, Samanta Dhulipala, posted several photos from the traditional ritual, highlighting Sobhita’s radiant bridal glow. Dressed in a graceful outfit and minimal, yet exquisite traditional jewelry, the Made in Heaven actress looks effortlessly elegant. Samanta and her husband, Sahil Gupta, are seen applying haldi to Sobhita during the ceremony.

The pre-wedding rituals for Shobhita Dhulipala, soon-to-be wife of Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, have commenced. Shobhita, who is set to marry Chaitanya on December 4, recently participated in the Mangalasnanam ceremony, a significant traditional event in Telugu weddings.

During the Mangalasnanam ceremony, Shobhita was smeared with turmeric paste, a customary practice in Telugu weddings. The event was attended by her family, who also gifted her traditional jewelry as part of the celebration.

The Mangalasnanam ceremony holds significant cultural value in Telugu weddings. It serves as a purification ritual for the bride and is believed to bring good luck before the wedding day.

Shobhita Dhulipala will marry Naga Chaitanya on December 4 at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. The wedding will be an intimate affair, with only close family and friends in attendance.

The actress has been actively involved in pre-wedding preparations, sharing glimpses of her journey on social media. Fans are eagerly anticipating her wedding day look, with many speculating she will wear an elegant all-white outfit for the occasion.

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