A few days ago, Priyanka Chopra was in India for her brother Siddharth Chopra’s engagement ceremony. Following that, she attended a promotional event for her Marathi-language film *Paani*, which she produced.

After completing her professional commitments, Priyanka returned to be with her family. Recently, Nick Jonas shared photos from a close friend’s wedding they attended together.

Nick posted a series of images on Instagram from the event, beginning with a romantic photo of himself and Priyanka. The sequence also included their name cards at the table and a photo featuring Nick, his brother Joe Jonas, and their band’s drummer.

In his captions, Nick expressed his affection for the newlyweds, writing, “Congrats @deleasakathleen and @nickmirchuk loved being there to celebrate you.”

Nick also posted a selfie from the event, where Priyanka looked stunning next to him. For the occasion, Priyanka wore a sleek black cutout dress, while Nick chose a pink suit. The internet responded enthusiastically, with Priyanka’s manager Anjula Acharia praising Nick’s look, and fans filling the comments with red heart emojis.

One user commented, “Power couple, Power family,” another wrote, “Priyanka stunning gorgeous,” and a third noted, “You guys look good as always.”

Recently, Priyanka was featured in Vogue India, where she discussed managing difficult days and continuing to work regardless of challenges. She mentioned that on tough days, she reminds herself of her privileges and pushes through her work.

Despite the stress of demanding work periods, she finds comfort in returning home to her daughter Malti Marie and her mother, Madhu Chopra. Priyanka also noted that although Nick is often away on tour, he makes an effort to come home for additional support whenever possible.

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