Tina Ahuja, the daughter of actor Govinda, recently opened up about her acting career, which didn’t unfold as she had envisioned. Tina made her Bollywood debut in 2015 with *Second Hand Husband*, starring alongside Gippy Grewal and Dharmendra, but has since stepped away from films, focusing more on music videos.She revealed that she now helps her father with his professional projects, even as Govinda navigates his own challenges in the industry.In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Tina addressed the criticism of being seen as an example of “the reverse side of nepotism.” She confessed, “Honestly, I moved on quickly. It became frustrating when people kept asking, ‘You have an institute at home, why are you struggling outside?’ It started to get annoying after a while, and I didn’t want to keep answering the same question.”Tina Ahuja mentioned that working with her father has brought her joy. She shared that she decided to focus on projects that genuinely interest her, stating, “I chose to start working with my dad and do things I enjoy. If success comes, it will come. I don’t need to worry about running the house, thanks to God’s grace. I began enjoying the work with my father and didn’t even realize I was letting go of a lot of other things. I just thought, ‘Forget it, I want to do what I really enjoy.’”Working with Govinda has also brought Tina closer to him. She explained how she let go of unnecessary pressures and embraced a more comfortable lifestyle. “By doing Plan B, I was getting better luxuries and treatment. Why would I want to be a lead and travel economy when I could work with dad and fly first class?” she said.

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