Actor Sobhita Dhulipala, who recently tied the knot with Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya, previously shared how her views on love and relationships changed after moving from Visakhapatnam (Vizag) to Mumbai.

In an honest conversation with Kusha Kapila, Sobhita discussed how her upbringing, cultural influences, and exposure to contemporary dating practices shaped her outlook on relationships.

Raised in a “simple traditional family” in Vizag, Sobhita described her upbringing as middle-class, blending conservatism with modern values. She reflected, “I’ve come to realize that some of my beliefs are conservative due to my upbringing. I thought I should behave a certain way around men, influenced by my cultural conditioning.”

This conditioning also affected her clothing choices. She explained, “Wearing certain clothes might give a certain impression that I didn’t want. I used to dress accordingly because I sought approval, wanting to fit the image of how girls like me are expected to be seen.”

Sobhita credited her move to Mumbai for college as a transformative period that led her to question her traditional beliefs. “Love is perceived differently in big cities. My time in Mumbai forced me to reconsider much of my conditioning,” she shared.

While she adopted more modern views, Sobhita also recognized the merits of some traditional values. “Not everything about the older generation is bad. Even though their marriages may not have always been successful, there was a strong sense of dedication and commitment,” she said.

On the topic of dating apps, Sobhita confessed she was initially shocked by the stigma associated with them. “There’s so much judgment. It’s as though using them suggests you’re desperate. This stigma makes girls feel like it’s indecent or undignified to take the initiative,” she remarked.

She emphasized the importance of empowering women to choose their own partners. “Allowing women the power to select their partners gives them strength, and even if their choice turns out wrong, they don’t feel deceived; they simply recognize it as a mistake,” Sobhita stated.

Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya, who were rumored to have been in a relationship for years, married on December 4th in a beautiful ceremony in Hyderabad. Wedding photos shared by Naga’s father, Nagarjuna Akkineni, delighted fans online.

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