Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently opened up about the impact of her divorce from fellow actor Naga Chaitanya. In a candid interview, she discussed the societal labels she faces as a divorced woman and explained how she chooses to embrace these labels instead of allowing them to affect her negatively.

During her conversation with Galatta India, Samantha was asked about the thought process behind repurposing her wedding gown into a dress. She began by addressing the emotional struggles of going through a divorce, explaining that society often attaches shame and stigma to divorced women. She shared that she frequently faces harsh comments like “second hand” or “used, wasted life,” and how it can feel as though you’re being cornered into believing you’re a failure, and that the end of a marriage is something to feel guilty or ashamed about, which can be particularly difficult for women and their families.

Samantha went on to explain her decision to repurpose the wedding gown, saying that while it initially hurt, she decided to reclaim it as part of her journey. She emphasized that she fully accepts her separation and divorce, acknowledging that her life hadn’t been a fairytale, but that this doesn’t mean she should wallow in grief or lose the courage to move forward. While the act might have appeared to be vengeful, she clarified that it was a statement of acceptance and resilience—”this happened, but my life doesn’t end here.” She expressed her happiness, satisfaction in her work, and excitement for the next chapter of her life.

Samantha and Naga Chaitanya first met in 2010 on the set of Ye Maaya Chesave and began dating soon after. They married in Goa in October 2017, first in a traditional Hindu ceremony, followed by a Christian ceremony the next day. In July 2021, rumors of a troubled relationship emerged when Samantha removed her surname “Akkineni” from her social media, leading to speculation about their marriage. The couple officially announced their separation in October 2021, just days before their fourth wedding anniversary. Their divorce was finalized the following year.

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