Rupali Ganguly and Esha Verma’s ongoing feud has taken a new twist following the Anupamaa actress’s defamation lawsuit against her stepdaughter. The dispute began when an old post by Esha Verma went viral, leading her father, Ashwin Verma, to defend his wife, Rupali, against Esha’s accusations.

Esha made several allegations against Rupali, prompting the actress to file a defamation case seeking Rs 50 crore in damages. Rupali’s lawyer, Sana Raees Khan, has now provided a new update on the legal proceedings.

According to a statement shared with ETimes TV, Rupali’s lawyer, Sana Raees Khan, revealed that they have decided to take the defamation case to the Bombay High Court. She stated that the case has been filed to safeguard Rupali’s reputation from baseless and harmful attacks.

Sana Raees Khan also emphasized in her statement, “This legal action serves as a strong reminder that no individual, regardless of their citizenship or location, can use public platforms to defame others without facing legal repercussions.”

The controversy began when Esha Verma’s old post accusing Rupali of causing her traumatic childhood experiences went viral. In response, Rupali’s husband, Ashwin Verma, defended his wife and stated that Rupali had no role in his strained relationship with his daughter.

In her post, Esha, aged 26, accused Rupali of stealing her mother’s jewelry, physically abusing her mother, and causing various emotional scars. Esha also shared several videos on her Instagram, detailing her feelings of insecurity and danger around both Rupali and Ashwin.

Esha Verma went on to accuse her father, Ashwin Verma, of abusive behavior and claimed that Rupali had an affair with him. In retaliation, on November 11, Rupali filed a defamation case seeking Rs 50 crore in damages for the harm caused to her reputation.

Rupali’s lawyer, Sana Raees Khan, mentioned that Esha had since deleted the defamatory posts and her Twitter account following the legal action.

In response to the legal notice sent by Rupali, Esha posted a message a week ago expressing her disappointment. She stated that she felt punished, writing, “Despite being a young adult, I am still my father’s child. Their reaction to my statement was disturbing, cruel, and showed their true character. I was not just any individual speaking out, but someone directly affected as a member of their family.”

For those unfamiliar with the situation, Ashwin K. Verma had been married twice before marrying Rupali Ganguly. Esha Verma is his daughter from his second marriage to Sapna. She is Ashwin and Sapna’s biological daughter and currently resides in New Jersey, USA.

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