Indian badminton star and two-time Olympian PV Sindhu married her fiancé, Hyderabad-based businessman Venkata Datta Sai, on Sunday, December 22, 2024, at Raffles Udaipur. For their wedding, Sindhu wore a traditional tissue saree, while the groom opted for a brocade sherwani, both designed by renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra.

However, what truly captivated everyone was the stunning jewellery both wore on their special day.

PV Sindhu, a Padma Bhushan awardee, epitomized the ideal South Indian bride in a gold-hued handcrafted saree from Manish Malhotra’s EVARA collection. The saree featured delicate badla and zardozi work along with an old-world head veil. The highlight of her look was the exquisite bridal jewellery, including a matha patti, a layered necklace, and matching earrings, all adorned with precious Zambian emeralds and uncut diamonds. Sindhu also wore a kundan work haath phool, diamond-studded kadas, and a gold chain, which added to the opulence of her bridal ensemble.

Groom Venkata Datta Sai looked regal in his brocade sherwani and dhoti, complemented by a stole and shaffa. His traditional jewellery choices from Manish Malhotra’s High Jewellery collection made a striking impression, featuring a double-layered necklace set with emeralds and diamonds from the Imperial Heirloom collection. He also wore ornate square-shaped emerald buttons that added a touch of sparkle to his outfit.

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