Internet Sensation Orry has turned heads yet again with his latest social media drop – this time an insider’s look from Aaliyah Kashyap and Shane’s beautiful wedding. The bride and groom’s happiness is infectious with their friends and family; Khushi Kapoor, Alaya F, Vedang Raina, and father Anurag Kashyap bringing their A game in terms of style & fashion. 

W.i.S.H. ‘s electrifying take on Nazia Hassan and Biddu’s iconic disco track “Boom Boom” makes the  reel come alive! It’s giving major retro pop meets Gen Z vibes. 

For the uninitiated, W.i.S.H. is India’s first girl group in 22 years, known for their electrifying on-stage performances and youthful tracks. They released their version of Boom Boom just last week. 

Trust Orry and his famous friends to set yet another trend.  

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