This Christmas holds a special emotional significance for Malaika Arora as she grapples with the loss of her father, Anil Mehta. Although the pain is deep, she has chosen to honor his memory by celebrating the holiday with her family in a close-knit, intimate gathering, where her mother prepares Anil’s favorite dishes.

This simple act of togetherness allows the family to keep his spirit alive during their grief.

In an interview with an known publication, Malaika shared how different this Christmas will be. She described the loss as devastating but explained that the family chose to celebrate Christmas in her father’s memory. Although unsure at first about celebrating, coming together as a family and continuing the traditions they shared with him brought comfort.

Malaika added, “Mom just simply will cook him his favourite dishes for a close set of people,” emphasizing that love and family are crucial during such a challenging time. She also spoke openly about the shock of losing her father and the deeply personal nature of grief.

She expressed immense gratitude towards her mother, whom she regards as “the strongest woman on earth,” for providing her with strength during this difficult period. Malaika also talked about the pain of returning to work after her father’s passing, acknowledging the public expectation for her to appear composed. She returned to work when she felt ready, recognizing that grief is a personal journey that doesn’t have a quick resolution.

As a public figure, Malaika discussed the judgment and criticism she faced on social media, particularly from those who felt she was “bouncing back” too soon. She clarified that, despite her personal pain, her professional obligations and social media presence remained a part of her life. The pressure to “move on” quickly was heavy, but she has learned to manage these expectations.

On a positive note, Malaika shared that her son, Arhaan Khan, has had a remarkable year. After returning from college, he has come out of his shell, started a podcast, and even dabbled in the restaurant business. She expressed amazement at how he has embraced new opportunities with confidence, noting the transformation of her once shy son.

Malaika also spoke about Arhaan’s potential future in the entertainment industry. She said that if he chooses to pursue acting, she would support him, though she acknowledged that it would be a long and challenging journey.

Professionally, Malaika continues to make an impact, recently making a memorable cameo in the song *Majha Yek Number*. Her charm and energy left a lasting impression, reminding fans of her unique presence in the entertainment industry.

While this year has been filled with sorrow, it has also offered Malaika moments of reflection and growth. By honoring her father’s memory and celebrating her son’s milestones, she has found solace amidst the pain.

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