Deepika Padukone was spotted beaming with happiness as she was seen alongside her husband, actor Ranveer Singh, at the Mumbai airport on Tuesday evening. The couple interacted with the paparazzi, greeting them and posing for pictures.
Deepika celebrated her 39th birthday on January 5 and welcomed the new year with Ranveer and their newborn daughter, Dua Padukone Singh.
The couple was seen arriving at the airport hand-in-hand. Deepika chose a relaxed outfit consisting of an oversized shirt and baggy pants, pairing it with a neat bun and sunglasses. Ranveer, on the other hand, looked stylish in a deep blue shirt. They posed for a few pictures with the paparazzi and exchanged greetings, even stopping for a few moments when requested. Deepika expressed her thanks when a photographer wished her a belated happy birthday.
This holiday season marked Deepika and Ranveer’s first Christmas and New Year’s since the birth of their daughter, Dua, in September. Deepika had earlier shared a glimpse of their Christmas celebrations on Instagram, posting a close-up of their Christmas tree with three personalized baubles, each bearing the names of the parents and their daughter. She tagged Ranveer in the post and used the hashtag ‘gratitude,’ captioning it with, “(evil eye and red heart emojis) My heart is full (evil eye and red heart emojis).”
In December, Deepika and Ranveer invited the paparazzi to meet their daughter for the first time. However, they requested that no photos be taken, as Dua was still very young. They reassured the photographers that they would share pictures of her at the right time.
On the professional front, both Ranveer and Deepika were last seen together in Rohit Shetty’s *Singham Again*, which was released during Diwali.