Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, known for her presence at prestigious film and fashion events like Cannes and Paris Fashion Week, made a striking appearance in a red gown at the latter. After mingling with Hollywood stars and receiving praise for her looks, she returned to Mumbai with her daughter, Aaradhya. The two were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday, where videos and photos showed them exiting the terminal, sharing smiles as Aaradhya held onto Aishwarya’s arm while they walked to their car. Aishwarya paused briefly to chat with the paparazzi.

At the Mumbai airport, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen leaving with her daughter, Aaradhya, after her successful outing at Paris Fashion Week. The actress showcased her airport style, opting for a comfortable black sweatshirt and matching trousers, topped with a trench coat and luxury bag, completing her look with sports shoes. She kept her makeup minimal and wore her hair in a classic center part.

 Aaradhya matched her mother in a black outfit featuring a cute panda sweatshirt, paired with matching pants and pink shoes. The mother-daughter duo smiled for the photographers, interacted with the paparazzi, and then departed.

A video shared by Viral Bhayani on Instagram prompted comments from viewers questioning whether Aaradhya attends school. One user remarked on Aishwarya’s protective nature, noting that they often see her with her daughter. Another expressed concern about the frequent appearances Aaradhya makes at events alongside her mother.

 Many users and fans praised the pair, with one comment expressing love for the mother-daughter bond, and another noting how adorable Aaradhya is, just like Aishwarya.

Aishwarya, who serves as the brand ambassador for L’Oreal Paris, made a memorable runway appearance on Monday in a red dress with a balloon hem, greeting the French audience with a warm “namaste.”

 While attending the glamorous fashion event in France, Aishwarya mingled with notable personalities, including Simone Ashley from *Bridgerton*, singer Camila Cabello, and actress-producer Eva Longoria, who were also accompanied by Aaradhya. They took photos together and enjoyed the event thoroughly.

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